Thursday, February 25, 2021

Signs of Spring Fever


Are the neighborhood songbirds trilling more sweetly? Do bright colors have more appeal? Do you have an urge to go on walks or sunshiny drives? If the answer is yes, you likely have spring fever! 

Spring fever has a mental component. Our plots and plans increase. Our mood is rash and raring to go. It also has a physical component, based on eons of cyclical history. In the old days, after long winter months of dried meats and root vegetables, our forebears craved fresh green edibles. The digestion needed a jump start, and blood needed purifying. As part of changing seasons, folks contrived remedies known as spring tonics. I remember my grandmother sipping the vitamin-laden “pot likker” from a simmering pot of collard greens. It was “good for what ails you.” She got the remedy from her mother, Kesiah, the lady on the left in the picture.



2 TBSP Oil

A Mess (Pound) of Collard, Mustard, or Turnip Greens

3 Cups Chicken Stock or Water

1-2 Ham Hocks or 8 Slices of Bacon

1 TSP Salt

Pinch of Black Pepper

Pinch of Red Pepper Flakes

1 Chopped Onion

2 Cloves of Garlic


Place oil in a large pot. Add the onion and cook until soft, around 5 minutes. Add garlic and cook for 50-60 seconds. Add the greens, using a large fork or tongs to get them coated with the onion, garlic, and oil mixture. Add the ham hocks or bacon. Pour the stock or water over the greens and meat. Cover the pot and cook for 45-55 minutes or until the greens are wilted and done to your satisfaction.



Dish the greens out into a bowl and ladle in plenty of the liquid pot likker. If you are not low carbing it, add a pone or piece of cornbread to soak up the likker for an extra special treat.

The goddess Epona is a secondary character in Wytchfae Runes and the heroine of Mind Your Goddess. As a goddess of fruitfulness, she embodies the vitality, abundance, and compassionate renewal of spring.

from Wytchfae Runes:

Epona cantered from the forest on a grey and silver dappled horse. Like a revelation of spring, the goddess known for riding side-saddle gracefully guided the unbridled mare. On one slender arm, Epona carried a basket that overflowed with fruits, flowers, and other rich bounty from the earth. Kelly inhaled the scent of roses, cinnamon, and grapes.

Halting just outside the circle near one of the sentinel trees, Epona dismounted, slipping nimbly to the ground.

Kelly leaned forward in an effort to hear the goddess’ few whispered words into the regal and twitching ears of her mount.

Whickering and bobbing her head in apparent understanding, the mare galloped away.

With her ever-present cornucopia swinging at her side, Epona glided toward Kelly.

Never before had the Wytchfae seen Epona so clearly, a vision of abundance. Kelly’s throat pulsated, as much of the energy she used was transmitted through this energy center or chakra.

Epona’s voice reminded Kelly of the taste of honeyed wine. “Sister mine, you have long given me your admiration and dedication. I stand with you on your journey.”

Kelly felt tears brim at Epona’s support.

The goddess continued. “But, as you know, I have no weapons to aid you. As well, I have no great ability in using them. My gifts lie in a different direction.”

Thrilled to have Epona join her and not caring a fig that she wasn’t a warrior goddess, Kelly smiled.

“Shall I come with you, sister?”

Kelly nodded vehemently.

“Then accept this rose quartz crystal as my token.”

“Thank you.” Kelly placed the shimmering gemstone, mounted on a chain of intricately carved rose quartz pieces, around her throat.

“You are most welcome, sister.” Epona moved to stand beside her. The warmth of the goddess spread to Kelly, deepening her trance. She knew she was moving in between worlds now.

Available on Amazon

Heart, Humor, and Happily Ever After from the Pen Dames!

Posted by Flossie Benton Rogers

Monday, February 22, 2021

Oops! I Found a Typo--The Different Types of Editing



Oops! I Found a Typo

One very common peeve I often see out there, which always prompts great gnashing of my teeth, is when I see people rant (particularly in Amazon reviews), “I found TWO TYPOS in the book,” or “The writer needs to go back to school or get a new editor.” This is probably due to readers’ confusion about editing.

Terms in editing can be confusing to readers and new authors, especially because the terms are often used interchangeably and may have different meanings within the publishing industry. However, I’d like to share the most widely accepted terms and their meanings.

For newbies who choose to indie-publish rather than going the traditional route it’s important that when hiring an editor to always speak to him or her about exactly what the editing includes.

While there are several different types of editing, for the purpose of this blog, I’m only going to discuss editing, copyediting, and line editing.

The three are different, you see. But they are commonly used interchangeably, which can cause some confusion. So here's the basic difference:

Editing refers to making changes to the content of a manuscript. For example, you might reorganize, rewrite, revise, reposition –there's a lot of "re" stuff going on—add dimensions to the main characters, add layers to the setting, and beef up the plot. Typically, it's a very collaborative process between the editor and the writer.


Copyediting on the other hand, involves fewer sweeping changes. It focuses more on accuracy, formatting, and sometimes (though not always) proofreading. copyeditor is the person responsible for catching typos.

Line Editing is often used interchangeably with the term copyediting. In line editing, the editor looks at your book line by line and analyzes each sentence. The editor considers word choice and the power and meaning of a sentence. The editor considers syntax and whether a sentence needs to be trimmed or tightened. Line editing helps to makes your prose sing.


Typos are ultimately an author’s responsibility

But before you go and amend the complaint to “What was the COPYeditor doing,” here’s how the editing and copyediting process works (the actual process may vary, so this is one example):

·         Author submits manuscript.

·         Editor suggests macro changes.

·         Author makes suggested changes then turns in edited manuscript.

·         Manuscript goes to copyeditor.

·         A fantastic copyeditor will catch nearly every error.

·         First pass pages go back to the author, who double-checks the copyeditor’s suggested changes.

·         Now, here comes the fun part. The manuscript is assembled so that the line edits from the author, copyeditor, and editor are hopefully incorporated correctly. It’s a somewhat straightforward task, but sometimes new errors can inadvertently happen.

·         Author gets these second-pass pages, he/she tries to catch any remaining (or introduced) errors, and once he/she sign off on them the book goes to press.

Hopefully by the time the book has made the rounds from editor to copyeditor to first pass, back to the author, it’s anyone’s guess if during the second pass every error will have been found and corrected. Remember, I said hopefully. But there are also opportunities for errors to creep into that process.

I always cringe a little and feel sympathetic for an editor when a review says, 'This wasn't well-edited.' Because it's very difficult for anyone outside the writing/editing process to know all the effort that went into the development of working to make the story the best it can be. 

It is my hope that if you find a typo in any of my books that you will be understanding enough to realize that mistakes do happen, not often, and not on purpose.


Sunday, February 14, 2021

Valentine's Day and the Gift of Love for All


    "One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love." ~ Sophocles

On Valentine’s Day most of us think of hearts and flowers and the giddy feeling of meeting The One. Romance is fantastic, but love is about relationships of all kinds and fundamentally involves acceptance.

I’d like to share an excerpt from Siren Descending which examines the different kinds of love. 

The main character, Athenia, is trapped in the underworld after trading herself to the devil in exchange for her lover’s freedom. Though she knows her life, her powers, and her soul are forfeit, she agrees to sing her siren song one last time for the inhabitants of Hades. At first, she only wants to delay her fate for as long as possible, but she ends up giving even the most repellent creatures the gift of love through her song.


Keeping her promise, Athenia gave everything to the song. Opening her soul, she let all her pain, fear, loneliness, and desperation suffuse her voice. At first, the notes jangled with sharp edges and discordances, evidence of her anguish. Minor chords overwhelmed the music with their overtones of alarm. When the inhabitants of the underworld came out to listen, they milled about, whispering, and glaring at one another. At a gesture from Gelion, they stilled, but tension filled the air. Eyes narrowed, Gelion started toward her.

While her deepest emotions took over, she ignored everything else. She sang of her grief for Delphie, for what might have been with Thorne, and for the soon to come loss of her identity. Next, she poured out her longing for the sea and her acceptance of kinship with the Atlantean Nerei, especially Deme, who had been a friend.

She trilled a refrain for the other mages, who would have accepted her, if she hadn’t been so secretive.

When all else drained away, she let the ballad take her back to her first time with Thorne. The moment when she’d realized how perfect he was for her played like a movie in her mind. She crooned her love for him. So long as he survives and goes on to lead a happy life, I can tolerate all this.

The pure notes echoed around them, and the denizens of the underworld stood with arms around each other, swaying in rhythm to her music, staring at her as though hypnotized. 

Three-headed Cerberus rolled on his back, whining through all his mouths. 

After the harpy landed beside him, she reached over and rubbed his belly. No one moved away from the winged creature this time, though her stench rolled through the area in an almost palpable haze.

Staring at Athenia intently, Gelion stood behind the crowd. Clear-eyed, he didn’t appear mesmerized like the others. However, the corners of his lips turned up, and he tapped his foot.

As long as I’m singing, he won’t make me have sex with him. A vision of him naked and jamming himself inside her made her stomach heave. Worse, he’ll make me enjoy being raped, long for more, and beg him not to stop. She shuddered.

Momentarily, her song shrieked into a register so high human ears probably ached. The demons clenched their claws, some digging talons into boulders, scraping long gouges out of the rock. Growling, Cerberus shook his head. Then, he snapped at the harpy, who snatched her hand out of reach of his jaws.

Can’t let my fear stop me. Must face this with as much dignity as I can summon up. With an effort, she brought her voice back to the pleasing range and added a hint of hope. Not for me since I’m doomed. For these poor creatures. Maybe this moment of solidarity will be all they ever experience, but this small amount of peace is my gift to them. For once, I can offer something to someone else without needing or wanting repayment. Besides, they aren’t the reason I’m here.

Everyone settled down. Now, her voice strained to reach the high, pure notes, and lost some clarity. I never used my siren ability so long or with so much emotion before, so I won’t last much longer. When my voice dies, Gelion will come for me, and that will be the end of me, too.

Sadness threatened again, but she refused to give in to despair. For as long as I can, I’m going to focus on joy, even in difficult circumstances. All I want now is to be fully present for every moment of my precious life while I possess free will. Though my time is almost over, I’ll make the most of every second.

At the top of her aria, her voice cut out. She lost a few notes, but not enough to end the enthrallment of the crowd. To preserve her vocal cords for as long as possible, she lowered her range. A siren with no voice. How ironic, I’m morphing into a Disney character.

Time passed. How long has it been, hours? Can’t keep on more than a few more minutes.

From the depths of her soul, Athenia poured every form of love into a haunting chorale.

Philia, the deep connection between comrades in arms, who are loyal and willing to sacrifice for each other. Though this was partly what I felt for Thorne, I realize now I care so much more for him.

Ludus, playful love or affection. Not as serious as Philia, but important to help us remember we’re not alone in our mortal condition, and we can make connections with many people, including those different from us. Like when Bathin helped me.

Philautia, or love of self. Through all this, I discovered I’m not a horrible person. Of course, I was misguided to think I needed to protect myself from everyone, even Thorne. Yet, though I did some awful things, I’m not bad. I care about myself and want to live, but it’s too late now. At least, I figured this out before the end.

Eros, or sexual passion. What I felt for Thorne all along, what I thought was the most important kind of love, but it’s not. Romance is wonderful when combined with friendship and affection, and when both lovers care about themselves, but sex isn’t everything and is empty without the other dimensions.

Pragma, or longstanding love. The pain of loss in her chest increased. This is the type of love I’ll never experience with Thorne.

Agape, the selfless love, which encompasses all people. This is what I offer you today. She sent agape to every creature assembled, even Gelion. He’s still part of the universe and needs whatever caring anyone can spare for him. Odd, to pity someone so powerful, but I do now. In these final moments, I understand so much more than I ever did before.

The rasp in her voice became huskiness. Then a whisper. Finally, she stopped. I’m done. There’s nothing left to do or say, no way to fight the inevitable any longer. Strangely at peace, she bowed her head.

Through the silent throng, Gelion marched toward her. None made a move. All of Hell’s occupants sat as if turned to stone.



Thank you for joining us here on the Pen Dames blog. I hope you enjoyed the excerpt. Want to know what happens to Athenia? My Valentine’s Day gift to you marvelous readers is a FREE copy of Siren Descending and the prequel novelette, The Sea Witch and the Mage. Please drop me an email at, and I’ll send you BookFunnel codes for both. This offer expires Feb. 28, 2021.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021



Has every day become more and more difficult? Has the grey light of winter dampened your enthusiasm? (even in Florida!)  Has your get-up-and-go just got up and left?

Well, you are not alone!  Yes, the stay-at-home orders across the nation have put a damper on everything, we have had some blizzards move across the country, and even had consecutive nights of below freezing temps in Florida.

But Spring is on the way, there is a light at the end of the tunnel (and it’s not an oncoming train), we will make it through! This is the time of year when you have to work a little harder at being happy, look a little harder for the joy of life, and push yourself to be cheerful.

Here is a little exercise for you to try. Picture your favorite Spring, or early Summer get-a-way. (even if covid keeps you from enjoying it this year) It might be a week in a secluded cabin with a view of mountains, forests, and streams.  Maybe you prefer a sunny little cabana on a white sand beach with the sound of waves easing you into sleep each night. Perhaps it is just a long weekend spent caring for your lovely roses. Just bring to mind the image that causes you to take a deep breath and relax. Hold that image for a full minute. Now, do this every time you feel yourself tensing up in traffic, in the office, or at home listening to the kids arguing over what program to watch.

You’ll be surprised how much this will help, IF you make the effort. Hence the title,  FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT! Because you are worth the effort. You deserve peace of mind. You have a right to tranquil moments.

For me, anywhere in the woods works, but leave me a comment let me know what works for you. And remember, you are not alone.

Interview with Author Amy Vansant

  Welcome to the Pen Dames March 2025 blog! This month we are interviewing the bubbly and super funny author Amy Vansant. She is the author ...