Monday, October 18, 2021

Spirits and Contacting the Other Side


Have you ever seen a ghost? This question came up in one of my Facebook groups and hundreds of people responded. I never encountered any spirits. But I have had some strange experiences.

An odd thing happened two or three years after a good friend died. One night I dreamed I was speaking to him on the phone. The connection was not good, and it was hard to hear him, but one thing came across loud and clear. He said, “Tell my mom I’m doing well, and everything is fine here.” This dream was so powerful, I was sure it was real. I don’t have any proof, but I know this message consoled his mother and I believe, somehow, he contacted me so he could ease her grief. Why not call her directly? I don't know. Maybe he could only get through to me. 

My grandmother died more than 30 years ago. We were close and I didn't want her to leave. However, she lived a long life, and she was ready to reunite with my grandfather. Recently, I had a vivid dream about her. We talked and she said she wanted me to have something. When I woke up, I didn’t know what it was and didn’t care. The important thing was the feeling that she had been right there with me. I told my husband about it, then let it go. It was comforting, but also sad because it was only a dream. Later that afternoon, a package arrived for me. When I opened it, I found my great aunt had sent me a dresser scarf embroidered by my grandmother. She hadn’t told me she was sending it, just popped it in the mail. Maybe it was a coincidence, but I truly believe I spoke with my grandmother that night.

In Witch Trial Legacy, the heroine, Sybilla Sanborn, works with mediums in the Spiritualist town of Cassadaga, Florida to find a way to break a curse which she inherited.

 Here’s an excerpt inspired by the dreams about my friend and my grandmother. Sybilla meets with a medium who sees the spirit of Sybilla’s mother and gives her a message:


She closed her eyes and her lips moved. When she opened her eyes again, she gazed into the corner of the room. “A presence is here, someone close to you. A spirit is forming now. She’s a lot like you in appearance. A relative, perhaps.”

“My mother?” Chills ran over Sybilla. I’d give anything to talk to her again.

“Yes, she’s nodding. She wants to tell you that she and your father are fine. They watch over you whenever they can, and they’re trying to help you find the solution to your problem. She says you’re right about inheriting powers from your ancestor Alse Young, and the curse from Matthias North’s line. Somehow, both came together in you, and you’re paying the price for the actions of those who came before you. Alse was no witch, but in her desperation and rage, she cursed Matthias and his progeny for all time. By doing so, she subverted and tainted her gifts. Then, her daughter Truth made things worse by taking revenge on him through his son. North was not pure evil, merely a greedy and arrogant man who accused Alse because of his bruised ego. He did a terrible thing to her, but his descendants certainly didn’t deserve to live with no one ever believing them. The curse drove countless innocents to suicide, drug addiction, and confinement to mental hospitals. The fact you were able to survive this long is a testament to your strength. Don’t give up.”

Tears formed in Sybilla’s eyes as she listened. She peered around the room, aching for a glimpse of her mother. “Mom, I miss you so much. I need you so much.”

Elana slumped in the chair. “She’s gone. The spirits use a great deal of energy trying to communicate, and the transmission is always short. What your mother sent was longer than most.”

“It’s not fair that I lost my parents so young. I want to see them. Why can’t I, when you can?” Sybilla grabbed a tissue and held it to her eyes while she sobbed.

Elana poured tea for herself and refilled Sybilla’s cup too. “Channeling is my special ability, just like yours are healing and premonitions, which I don’t possess. Everyone’s aptitudes are different. Some people aren’t sensitive to the spirit world, but they’re talented in other areas such as singing or art. One must work with what one has and try to cultivate those talents. That’s why you’re here with me, to make your gifts work for you instead of against you.”

“I’d give up all the visions for one moment with my parents. The precognitions don’t help anyone. They only cause me trouble.”

“Would you give up your healing abilities? You’ve helped many people with them, and you might not be able to pick and choose.”

Sybilla hesitated. “I don’t know. It might be worth it, if I could see my parents, witness for myself there really is something beyond this life.”

 “Are you sure you would believe if you saw them? How could you prove it wasn’t a dream or hallucination?”

“I couldn’t, and the thing that means the most to me would be gone. Not a good trade. Well, I don’t have the option anyway. Guess I should stop wishing for the impossible.”

“You have the message from your mother. You can keep faith she is watching over you, and all will be well in the end. Will you do that?”

Sybilla swallowed the lump in her throat. “I can try.”

The basis of Spiritualism is that people continue on after death and can communicate with the living to help and guide them. Cassadaga was founded by people who believed this and thought the location had properties which made it easier to connect with the other side. I’ve always been fascinated by the paranormal, and so I chose the unique town of Cassadaga as the setting for Witch Trial Legacy.

 Have you ever seen a ghost or had an experience that makes you believe it’s possible to make contact with people who have passed? Or do you believe, like Conn, the hero in Witch Trial Legacy, that it’s all wishful thinking or naïve people being taken advantage of by scam artists?

 Let me know in the comments. I would love to hear your thoughts!


5 Star Amazon Review:

Witch Trial Legacy (The Cassadaga Collection) by Katherine Smits is a wonderful read. This is book number one in this wonderful start to a brand new series that I am so hooked on and can not wait to read the rest. I highly recommend this story to everyone who loves reading fantasy.

Buy Witch Trial Legacy:



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Katherine Eddinger Smits is a direct descendant of Susannah Martin, who was tried and executed for witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. Katherine holds a master’s degree in social work.  For 20 years, she assisted veterans and their families until she retired to pursue her writing obsession.


Now she brings clinical training and experience to her stories of mermaids, mages, and magical creatures. Within the context of fantasy and romance, her novels explore real-life issues of self-acceptance, body image, relationship dynamics, fears, and phobias. Mystery, suspense, and a little sex add spice to her books.









  1. You've had some fascinating experiences. And the book sounds awesome! When I was about twenty-one we went over to my sister-in-laws on a Saturday night. The men were in the living room, lights off, watching a football game, and all the women we gathered around the kitchen table in the semi-darkness, giggling over a ouija board. They cajoled until I gave in and sat at the table. I was facing the windows, with the light of the TV behind me. Of course, the minute we started it was clear the message was for me. The board worked its way through until the message was I love y. Never got to the ou because I looked up and saw my mother standing behind me. My mother passed when I was 10. I jumped up from the table, not in fright, but in shock. I have never "played" with anything like that since.

    1. Wow, Linda, that's an experience one would never forget! Good thing you were young and your heart was strong.

  2. This is a very thought provoking post, Kathy. Thanks for sharing it. Have I ever seen a ghost--yes. I was twelve when my Grandmother B died. She had ask to see me, but during those years children weren't allowed in hospital rooms. I never got to say goodbye to her. However, a few days after her funneral and after everyone was asleep, I felt the side of my bed sag. I opened my eyes and Grandmother B was sitting on the side of the bed. She was wearing a white dress. Her dark auburn hair perfectly coifed. She smoothed back my bangs and said very plainly, "They wouldn't let you come see me. I wanted to tell you that I was going home. Don't worry. I'll always be with you." My mother came into my bedroom and said she'd heard voices and wanted to know who was in the room with me. Grandmother Bessie smiled and faded from sight. I was too young to know that 'going home' meant dying. I told my mother what had happened. Of course, she didn't believe me and said I must have been talking in my sleep. My Granny W was a seer. All my life, I've been intune to the spirit world. Although I was miles away when my father died, I knew the exact time he passed. But that is a story for another time.

    1. I bet you have lots of experiences you could talk about, Loretta! Hopefully, one of these days you'll blog about them. I know it would be fascinating!

  3. Beautifully written blog, Katherine. While I've never seen a ghost, I have definitely been touched by the spirit world. I have dreams about my dad, who passed when I was in my early 30's. In my dreams, he never died, and is living life in the present. When I wake up, I carry his presence around with me all day. A couple years before my mom died, she talked about hearing music every night. It was the oldy tunes, like "Dem Bones," and "Tell me the Way to Go Home." I thought at first it was from a bar nearby when it was closing hour. One night when I was staying with her, she said, "Can you hear it?" I poked my head out the door, and...nothing. After that, I had the strong feeling that it was Dad calling to her. When my mom passed, the whole family was at the house, sitting with her, waiting. My husband had gone to the hotel to catch a nap, and the moment when she passed, he woke up from deep sleep, crying. He knew. Believing in a spirit world enables us to be close to our loved ones.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences! These special moments are precious gifts. It's important to hold on to them and remember they are signs that there is so much more to life and death than we know.

  5. When my sister was passing and we were in the hospital, my husband and I sat waiting to go into her room. We looked down the hallway and both saw my mother, who had passed 17 years previously. She was in a dress we knew and looked like her real self, not ghostly or transparent. We saw her and then she was gone. We knew she had come to welcome my sister into the new world. There have been bleed-through experiences all my life, including after losing my husband, some of which include alternate life paths and other locations/times/houses where we live (but have never lived in this life). There have been tricky experiences, such as clothes on a line that were not on a line and jewelry missing and reappearing. What I call "deep dreams" or "real dreams" have also played a part. Some were precognition/preparing me for the death of a loved one. Some were loved ones, including devoted pets, coming back to say hello. Sometimes they are only a breath away. It's like a radio-- we are just not always tuned to that station. Thank you for a meaningful post. I have your book and will be delving in:)


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