Monday, September 16, 2024

Pen Dames Pointers! Tips to Jazz Up Your Writing 2024-9-16


A passion of Pen Dames is to help other writers by sharing tips and insights we have learned along the way. We hope you will find the pointers beneficial to your writing process.

Barbara Cairns

I get lots of ideas but only a few of them get fleshed out from the bare minimum to a completed project. Sometimes, this involves research, which I love, to enhance the story with factual information interspersed throughout the story. Weaving a bit of history into my stories, either from research or from my own experiences and interactions, requires time and effort so as not to bog down the story itself. I try to focus on getting readers to empathize with my characters by including details about their daily lives and the places they inhabit.

Jennifer Taylor

As you likely know, writing a book is a bit of a marathon. And like any marathon (although I've never run one!), it's very important to pace yourself and to take a rest when your body tells you.  Fiction writing is the same. Let's say you have been working for a couple of hours (let me just say that physical therapists recommend getting out of your chair every forty-five minutes). Your mind is spinning its wheels and going nowhere. I have two words for you: POWER NAP! Get up, walk around, and lean back in your favorite chair. Set the timer for, say, fifteen minutes, and breathe deeply. 

Diaphragmatic breathing is an important skill to use for many reasons. It's how babies naturally breathe. It's a technique singers use to maximize their power. Take a look at a YouTube video. Once you get the hang of it, you won't be sorry. It will help you relax as you close your eyes and try to empty your mind.  If little squirrel thoughts scamper across your mind, sweep them away. Maybe with this meditation, you'll fall asleep. If your alarm goes off, enjoy your nap. You probably need it.

I find that when I use this technique, it refreshes me and I'm once again ready for action. 
Happy writing!

Flossie Benton Rogers

Revision Task – Examine the Character Roster

You have typed THE END! After a well-deserved celebration and rest, many other tasks must be performed on your way to publication. Among these is revision. One facet of revision is assessing your lineup of characters. Look closely at each one on the roster. Does each serve a unique purpose in your story? Are the characters distinguishable from one another? Are one or more unnecessary? Does it make sense to combine minor characters? Writing too many characters is a common occurrence, since you may not know all of your plot, or who is necessary to carry it out, until you get into the thick of writing.
This happened recently with my cozy mystery in progress. Two stalwart women are icons of the town. Each one has a son around the same age. When I started the novel, I had thought Woman A was the murderer. It turned out later that – no – the murderer was Woman B. Part of the thinking process is to determine the roles of the sons. Obviously, the son of Woman B will have more at stake than the son of Woman A. Is the son of Woman A necessary to the plot or is he redundant? In this case he was clearly redundant, and I moved him off the canvas. The fact that he was so easily removed illustrates how redundant he was. If he’s needed in a later novel of this same series, then at that time he can “return from overseas,” Woman A’s son who lived elsewhere and now comes back to his hometown. I don’t have to say anything about him in the current book, unless I want to set up the plot for the next book in the series. 

Don’t fret about combining or even eliminating a redundant character. Let him live in your “to be used later--maybe” file.

Loretta C. Rogers

How to Begin Your Story

Figuring out where to start telling your story is one of the bigger challenges most writers face. You have limited time and space—a few pages, at most—to seize your readers’ interest. If you start too slowly and include too much of the characters’ history, readers may get tired of waiting for the interesting stuff to start. If you start too fast, with too much action, they may get confused. Either miscalculation can make a reader put the book down and never pick it up again.

A Good Rule of Thumb for Starting Your Novel with a Bang!

1. Startle readers with the first line. 
2. Begin at a life-changing moment. 
3. Create intrigue about the characters. 
4. Use a setting as the inciting incident. 
5. Up the stakes within the first few pages. 
6. Introduce something ominous right away. 
7. Set the mood. 
8. Make your characters sympathetic — and relatable — immediately.

Katherine Eddinger Smits

The Dreaded Synopsis: How to Ease the Pain

Crafting a compelling synopsis is an essential skill for any author. However, it's common for writers to confuse a synopsis with a back cover blurb, leading to frustration and missed opportunities.

Let's Clear the Confusion:

A synopsis is not a back cover blurb.

The back cover blurb is designed to tease and entice potential readers. It offers just enough plot details to spark curiosity, often including comparisons to similar books, provocative questions, and sometimes even glowing review quotes. It avoids spoilers and doesn’t reveal the book’s ending.

So, What Exactly is a Synopsis?
A synopsis is a detailed summary of your entire book, covering the main characters, major plot points, and key information. It's a crucial part of your submission package when querying traditional publishers or literary agents, and it’s often required for writing contests. Unlike the blurb, the synopsis must include the ending.

Why Include the Ending in a Synopsis?
Publishers, agents, and contest judges rely on the synopsis to get a full understanding of your story. They don’t have time to read every manuscript cover-to-cover, so they depend on a concise, one- or two-page summary to make decisions. A well-written synopsis provides a clear picture of the entire plot, including how it all resolves, helping industry professionals determine if your book is worth pursuing.

How to Write a Synopsis:
Many writers dread writing a synopsis, finding it challenging to distill an 80,000+ word novel into a page or two. But it’s a necessary step, and with the right approach, it can be done effectively.

Here are some tips to make the process smoother:

Format: Use present tense, third-person point of view, and a 12-point font. Aim for about 250 to 300 words.
Introduction: Start with a brief overview of the genre, time period, and setting. Mention key tropes.
Main Characters: Write a paragraph about the protagonist, including their name, what makes them unique, their primary goal, and the stakes if they fail. If you're writing a romance, add a similar paragraph for the love interest. For thrillers or other genres with a significant antagonist, include a paragraph about the villain as well.
Plot Summary: Identify the major plot points, such as the inciting incident, call to action, midpoint, all-is-lost moment, climax, and resolution. Condense each of these into a single sentence, then expand those sentences into short paragraphs as needed to include only the most important information without going into too much detail.
Process: If you’re a plotter, use your outline as a guide. If you’re more of a pantser, pull the key moments directly from your manuscript.

Pro Tip: Consider writing your synopsis before drafting your novel. It can serve as a roadmap, keeping you focused and helping you overcome writer’s block if you become stuck.

Whether you’re just starting out, revising your manuscript, or preparing to publish, a well-crafted synopsis is a vital tool in your journey to success.

Did these suggestions resonate with you? Let us know, and also tell us of any writing questions you have and topics you’d like us to cover in these Pointers.
Thanks for stopping by, and happy writing! Cheers from the Pen Dames.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Getting to know Fran McNabb: Author Interview

Today, I am excited to introduce not only a long-time friend but a prolific author. As an author, Fran has many accolades attached to her name such as National Readers Choice Award. She writes sweet romance novels that are often set along the beaches, islands, and waterways of the Gulf Coast.  Please meet Fran McNabb. Thank you for being Pen Dames guest author.

First, I want to thank Loretta Rogers for asking me to be a part of her blog. Loretta is a great writer, and we have been author friends for over twenty years.

Thank you for stopping by and joining us today, Fran. Let's get started:

*Share with our readers a little about yourself (hobbies, family, favorite childhood book, etc).

Like most authors I spend quite a lot of my time behind my computer, but I found I enjoy painting as well as writing. I paint bookmarks, cards, and shells and have a great time doing it. I have a booth in a business in town and I love spending time there behind my table writing and talking to people.

We have recently given up living on the water of the Gulf Coast and moved to the hometown of one of my sons in Louisiana, where I spend as much time with my grandson as possible. I love our time together. We now have one great-granddaughter, and I can’t wait to spend as much time with her as possible, even though she’ll be seven hours away.

* What inspired you to become a writer?

I taught senior English and journalism for years so writing was my life. I loved the British literature that I taught, but during the summers I lost myself in romance novels.

When I was a young teenager I’d walk to the town’s library where I found family-friendly career romances from Avalon Press. I think I read every one of those stories about secretaries, nurses, flight attendants, and other female occupations. The heroines found love even while they worked. Ironically, my first contract with a publisher came from Avalon Press, and I have stuck with the family-friendly brand.

*How long have you been writing? How many books have you published?

I always seemed to be writing for my enjoyment, but didn’t get serious about the publishing world until I had to take an early medical retirement. I was much too young to sit around and do nothing, so I joined writing groups to see what the publishing world was about.

In June of this year my eighteenth novel was released. I also have a few pieces in non-fiction anthologies.

*What genre do you write?

All of my books are romances suited for most age groups. My last series, THE FLETCHER RANCH SERIES, is set in Independent, Missouri, and is considered an historical Christian romance. It was the first time I tried my hand at a Christian novel, and I really enjoyed writing in that genre.

* Is there anything about your style of writing or genre that you find particularly challenging?

I tend to be wordy when I write so I have to be careful to say what needs to be said and nothing more.

*What is your least favorite part of the publishing and/or writing process?

Marketing is my least favorite part of writing. I only want to write, but obviously an author no longer can do that. Marketing is expected.

*Tell us about your current novel:

My latest release, LOVE FINDS A WAY, is the third book in The Fletcher Ranch Series. All three books are set in Independence, Missouri, in the 1850’s. The hero in this last book has had a tragic life, but has pulled himself up to become a lawman. Still, he doesn’t feel worthy to fight for the love of his life, a girl who has grown up with a loving family and all the material possessions she needed. He had none of this. The message in this book deals with finding self worth and allowing oneself to be happy. 



   In spite of having a tragic childhood, Matthew Jennings has overcome the odds to become a lawman. He returns to Independence, Missouri, but doesn’t know if he can live in the same area as Caroline Fletcher, the love of his life. He quickly finds out the fun-loving girl who could shoot and rope better than any man on the ranch has become quite a lady and is now engaged to the wealthy son of a banker.

  Caroline is shocked to see Matthew in town. After struggling with a broken heart when Matthew left, she has finally moved on. She is willing to push her feelings for him aside to marry Samuel Brown even though it will demand changes in her lifestyle. When Samuel’s family is found to be involved with illegal dealing in the bank, the situation explodes and Matthew must step in.

   Will the life-and-death situation that Caroline finds herself in be enough to make Caroline and Matthew realize they need and still love each other?

 Do you have a blog or website readers can visit for updates, events and special offers?

  I no longer have a blog, but readers can find me at https: or contact me at, or on FB at Fran L McNabb or Fran McNabb, Author.  I love hearing from my readers.

Awesome interview, Fran. Again, thanks so much for being our guest. By the way, promoting is also my least favorite thing about the publishing process.

Note to Readers DON'T miss this opportunity: Fran is giving away  the first book in her Fletcher Ranch Series, THE WAY HOME. This will be an ebook for someone who leaves a comment. Once the winner has been selected, Fran will make the announcement on her FaceBook page.

Until we meet again, dear readers.


Loretta C. Rogers

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Pen Dames Pointers! Tips to Jazz Up Your Writing 2024-7-11


A passion of Pen Dames is to help other writers by sharing tips and insights we have learned along the way. We hope you will find the pointers beneficial to your writing process.

Katherine Eddinger Smits

Don't Let Structuring Your Novel Stress You Out!

Structuring your novel can feel overwhelming with so many models to choose from: the Three Act Structure, Freytag’s Pyramid, the Hero’s Journey, Save the Cat, and more. But this simple approach can make it easier.

Start by pinpointing three critical moments in your story:

1. The Inciting Incident: Where does your story truly begin? This is the event that sets your protagonist on their journey.

2. The Climax: How does the main problem resolve? This is the peak of your story, where the tension reaches its highest point.

3. The Midpoint Reversal: What is the turning point? This is the moment in the middle when everything changes, shifting the direction of the story.

Once you have a clear vision of these key scenes, you can flesh out your outline. However, if you’re more of a pantser, you can write your way towards these moments, letting the story develop organically.

By focusing on these pivotal scenes, you’ll make the process manageable while you build a solid foundation that will let you set your imagination free to create your best story!

Barbara Cairns

When I broke my hip in Africa, it was a shock, of course, to my system. Thoughts about everything that lie ahead of me would be too overwhelming, so I chose to take one moment, one hour, one day at a time and focused on the people and places surrounding me instead.

This something I need to practice more in my writing as well. Getting upset over problems with my website, what to do about a reversal of rights when my publisher closed down, or whether or not to try other traditional publishers or perhaps self publish my next book could become overwhelming if I allowed it.

So, I've decided not to dwell on those negatives. Instead, I've signed up for some online courses on travel writing and perhaps, I'll focus on an article or a future memoir in the days ahead.

My writing tip:  Don't let yourself get overwhelmed with deadlines, writer's block, word count, or whatever else is nagging at you. Take a mental health day and just focus on YOU.

Jennifer Taylor

Spend oodles of time developing your hero and heroine's personalities. Make sure you create plenty of conflict between them. Opposites do attract. Spend a lot of time thinking about their past, which motivates them and creates conflict. Go into great detail about their likes and dislikes, down to food and sports, games, and everything in between. For example, what if a hero, on the first date, makes an elaborate meal, not knowing the heroine has an allergy? Maybe she gets angry because she thought he told her. Maybe he saves the day by taking her to the hospital. 

That's just a simple example, but let's face it: readers love it when sparks fly, and wait in suspense to see if the h/h can resolve their conflicts and roadblocks. 

Most of all, have fun with your characters, those other voices living in your head!

Flossie Benton Rogers

Writing tool- Timeline Calendar!

A handy tool is a calendar with the days of the week listed across the top, each hour of the day listed vertically on the left, and the remainder of the page filled with blank squares for jotting brief notes. Blank downloadable calendars can be found with a quick online search, you can photocopy a page from a physical calendar, or you can create your own calendar with Word, Excel, etc. It’s your preference whether to use print or electronic format.

Use a Timeline Calendar to keep track of actions and information in your story. As a writer, you need to know “who did what when” so that you can unveil the sequence of events clearly and precisely to the reader and not get the timeline jumbled up. I find it particularly useful for cozy mysteries, but it would benefit any genre.

A quick example: At 10:00 A.M. Friday morning, my cozy mystery heroine, Peri, is leading a cemetery tour, when she receives news of an incident involving her godfather. The news spurs her to shortly jump in the car and drive from Florida to a Georgia hospital. She arrives at the hospital at 8:00 P.M., stays in a hotel overnight, and visits her godfather again Saturday morning. She heads to his recently purchased Victorian house around 10:00 A.M. Saturday morning, where she begins meeting a new cast of characters, including several ghosts and—before long--a murdered woman.

A Timeline Calendar keeps track of the key events listed in the previous paragraph, the actual timeline of the murder itself, and even smaller events that may become important later, such as the day and time the godfather’s wife allows Peri a sneak peek into his study. A Timeline Calendar helps refresh the author’s memory and prevent plot sequence inconsistencies. You'll find an example of one HERE that I created in Word, along with a Download button.

Loretta C. Rogers

People often ask me how I manage to write so fast. First and foremost, this is a ginormous topic with no one size fits all answer. But to condense it down, my first thought is, “I don’t know. I just glue my butt to the chair and write.” 

However, that does sound a bit cliche, and not the least bit helpful. Here’s my honest to goodness answer. Please keep in mind that this is what works for me.

Choose an idea you love enough to neglect everything you enjoy in life. You’re going to need to care enough to block out distractions and power through even when the going gets tough.

Don’t write about what you think you should write about, and avoid chasing trends. Instead, pick the idea that you just can’t shake, even if it seems a little crazy, and keeps you awake at night.

There is no perfect writing day. The goal is to get the words on the paper. If you hit a tricky patch where the words don’t come, don’t beat yourself up. Step away from the story, or print out what’ve you written and do some reading and editing, or just go read a good book by one of your favorite authors to inspire yourself.

Remember, all novels are made in the rewrite - and very few writers would dream of showing anyone their first draft.

Did these suggestions resonate with you? Let us know, and also tell us of any writing questions you have and topics you’d like us to cover in these Pointers.

Thanks for stopping by, and happy writing! Cheers from the Pen Dames.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Author Interview: Jean C. Joachim


Please welcome author Jean C. Joachim to the Pen Dames blog!

Jean C. Joachim is the author of numerous novels, including contemporary, historical, and sports romance. Today she is sharing her book, Too Late for Goodbye, with our readers. Too Late for Goodbye is part of the Pine Grove Series of contemporary romances.

Jean is giving away a free eBook to one lucky commenter!

Interview with Jean C. Joachim:

What books were your favorites as a child? 

“Little Women” was my favorite book. I must have read it a hundred times. That book inspired me to want to be a writer. When I got a little older, I fell in love with Nancy Drew and have been a mystery fan ever since. 

How and when did your writing journey begin?

I started writing fiction when my younger son went off to college in 2009. Up until then I had worked mostly in corporate America in advertising agencies. Once I started writing, it was love and I never looked back. I love what I do. 

What genre is your book? What do you like about writing in that genre? 

My book is a contemporary romance. I enjoy writing contemporary works since it’s easier to understand my characters and the world they live in. I don’t need to do as much research as I have to for my historical books. I can relate very strongly with contemporary characters.

Describe your main character—life, personality, motivation—whatever you think will make us want to get to know the person.

Marty McKay is in his early 30’s and unmarried. He and his brother, Flint, have lived in the house they grew up in in the small town of Pine Grove, NY all their lives. But Flint is married now, so Marty’s moving out. Marty is shy, he’s not confident with women. Though he’s a good-looking man, he doesn’t know it. Living in a small town, he’s not very experienced with women. But he’s a young man of character. He’s honest (except with his brother, sometimes.) He treats women with respect. Marty’s one of those guys you could count on in a crisis or emergency. He’s genuine, caring, and selfless.  Isn’t this right, Marty? (he just showed up). 

“Absolutely. And I have a few more adjectives you could use.”

“Don’t overdo it. Would you like to tell us about your fishing trip with the children.”

“Uh, no. Gee, I think I smell something on the stove burning. Gotta go.” 

Worst most hilarious fishing trip ever, but don’t tell him I told you so.  

That fishing trip sounds like a doozy. Marty is obviously someone we'd like to get to know. Jean, what writing projects do you have on the horizon?

I just passed the halfway point on the next book in the Pine Grove series, the one after Marty’s book. I’m also working on a football story and the third in my historical romance series. And I have another idea brewing in my head that needs some development. As long as the stories keep coming, I’ll keep writing them. 

What is your best advice for aspiring writers?

Get expert help. Hire a professional editor to critique your work. Don’t rely on beta readers. Use the guidance of an editor to improve your writing. Take a writing class. Read only well-written works, like classics, such as “Pride and Prejudice.” And keep writing, even if you think things aren’t going well. You’ll only keep getting better.

If you could meet any author, living or dead, who would it be and why?

Jane Austen. Because her books are totally perfect. Well-written, plotted with amazing characters that seem real. And her books have stood the test of time and are still wonderful to read today. An amazing achievement.

Thank you for sharing your book cover and a photo. It's always nice to see authors as they tell us about themselves and their books. Would you like to share a picture of your writing space? 

My writing space is a total messy disaster since I’ve been renovating.  So I’m too embarrassed to share a picture of it. But it has a big chair and a slender white desk.

What a relief! Jean, you're in good company, believe me!

Book Blurb - Too Late for Goodbye:

Marty McKay is frustrated by the lack of single women in his small town. Finally an amazingly beautiful woman shows up at the town square dance. Only problem is she's a widow from the City with two kids. An instant family wasn't on Marty's Christmas list. Still, he can't forget her. How long will it take before he realizes it's too late for goodbye?

Excerpt - Too Late for Goodbye:

March—Pine Grove, NY

“Whoa! Who died?”

“What?” Standing in front of the mirror, Marty McKay straightened his tie and glanced at his brother, Flint.

“I mean, you’re wearing a suit, shirt, and tie. Going to a funeral?”

“Very funny.” Marty combed his short, brown hair over and over until it was perfect.

“I thought so.” Flint chuckled. “Seriously, what’s up?”

“I’m going to New York’s all.” He picked up his wallet and shoved it in his back pocket.


“I’m meeting a couple of clients.” Marty sensed heat in his cheeks at his lie.

“Clients? In the Big Apple?”

“Yes.” He fastened a watch on his wrist and faced his brother. “Remember the ad I put in the paper there? We got a couple of phone calls. I’m going in to see what the projects are.”

“Oh yeah. I remember. Good idea.”

“It’s business, so get off my back.”

Flint narrowed his eyes and stared at his brother. “One of ՚em wouldn’t be a pretty girl by the name of Jenny, would it?”

Marty turned away so his brother wouldn’t see him blush. “Maybe.” He glanced at his watch. “I’m late. Give me a ride to the bus?”


The two young men rode in silence. Marty stared out the window at the new spring green buds emerging on the trees.

“I mean, if you’re going to see her, it’s okay with me.” Flint turned right.

“I don’t need your approval.” Marty.  Deer hovered barely visible in the woods in the early morning frost.

“I know. Just sayin’.”

“I’m moving over to the Barrett house this weekend.”

Flint slowed for a stop sign. “You don’t have to leave.”

“I’m done being a third wheel. You’re married now, Flint. Everything is different.”

“You don’t have to move.”

“Yes, I do. Living with newlyweds is depressing.”

“Thanks a pantload.”

“You know what I mean.”

“You need to find someone, Marty.”


“Okay, okay.” Flint pulled into the parking lot and stopped. “Call me when you come back and I’ll pick you up.”


“Good luck.”

Their eyes met. “Yeah.” Marty glanced up at the clock over the door of the bus station. He had only five minutes. He sprinted across the parking lot, purchased his ticket, and got on the bus with only seconds to spare.


Connect with Jean C. Joachim:

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Author Interview: D. Thomas Jerlo


Please welcome to the Pen Dames blog author D. Thomas Jerlo, who also writes as Dawné Dominique!

We’re excited by this opportunity to interview her and treat you to an excerpt from her novel, Dark Prisoner: The Kruthos Key. She’s one of our favorite writers as well as a talented artist who has created many beautiful covers for Pen Dames books. We know you will enjoy getting to know her.

 Dawné is also giving away a free eBook to one lucky commenter!

 Here’s the interview:

 Please tell us a little about YOU—where you live, your background, jobs, interests, etc.

I’m an author living in one of the coldest regions of Canada. I write under the pennames of D. Thomas Jerlo and Dawné Dominique. I also have twenty-five plus years’ experience as a professional book cover artist and run DusktilDawn Designs.  I’m also a twin, with my sister being 45 minutes older (it’s why my mom likes her best).  I am in the process of retiring from my paralegal position and look forward to writing full-time (again).

 How and when did your writing journey begin?

I wrote stories all my life in a little black notebook and probably began a dozen novels throughout my lifetime, which I never finished; however, in the early 1980’s I discovered Anne Rice and was instantly hooked on paranormal. Although I was primarily a fantasy reader, Ms. Rice gave me the push to follow my dream of becoming a published author. I joined a writing site and learned all I could about fiction. I have met some unbelievably talented people along my journey, and I have them all to thank for helping me become who I am in this business. 

     Which authors/books are on your keeper shelves?

To name just a few: J.R. Tolkein, Anne Rice, Robert Jordan, George R. R. Martin, Terry Brooks, Stephen King, Piers Anthony ... I could list more but there’s only so much room. 

What genre is your book? What do you like about writing in that genre?

Dark Prisoner: The Kruthos Key is an epic fantasy novel similar to Lord of the Rings, but with a female heroine. It was my first love genre to write. Since then, I have branched out into paranormal and speculative fiction. Writing in these genres allows me to use my imagination to its fullest.

What is the setting of your book? Please describe it.

Etharia is a fantasy world made up of majestic mountains, fertile plains, rich forests and many’s beautiful.

Why did you choose this setting? Is it a real place or did you create it for the story?

I wanted to create a setting that was relatable to readers, so I chose a setting very similar to Canada.

Is your book part of a series or a standalone? If it is part of a series, briefly describe the series.

Dark Prisoner: The Kruthos Key and Dark Prisoner: Ebbing of Tides is a two-book series.  Ebbing of Tides requires proofing and edits before I can send same to my publisher for consideration. Both novels share Suna and Feran’s journey to save Etharia. In the process of doing so, they find that more than duty binds them together. There is a little romance, but the gist of the story is epic battles, the fight for power, good overcoming evil, and a few memorable characters that will stay with you long after the book is finished.

Writing this book was more than a labor of love. I took facets of what was happening in my real life and turned it into fiction. When I write, my world(s) must be believable, even in fantasy. I want my characters to intimately touch my readers and make them laugh or cry. Dark Prisoner has epic battles, scheming underlords, heroes that you want to cheer for and villains you'll despise.

 Describe your main character—life, personality, motivation—whatever you think will make us want to get to know the person.

Dark Prisoner: The Kruthos Key centralizes on Suna Di'Viao, a Divenean with mage'ical abilities, so she ages much more slowly than an average human. She's hidden from the world for over thirty years, wallowing in guilt and remorse for failing to protect her king and queen. During her isolation her entire race vanishes, leaving Suna the last of her kind. I like to think of this novel as a little like J.R. Tolkien meets Wonder Woman with serious guilt issues. I structured Suna after myself because what I wanted to do more than anything at the time I was writing this book was to hide from the world. I wanted to be strong and confident again, but I had lost myself, very much like Suna. For me, my characters are very real people; they have flaws, and I wanted her to be as relatable as possible.

Suna intuitively feels the land’s pain and senses change is coming and it is not good. Being on her own for so many years has left her bitter, and solitude is something she not only craves but feels she needs; however, she is instructed to meet up with someone who is to help her find the Kruthos key - a companion she does not want or need, but has no choice but to accept.

What writing projects do you have on the horizon?

I have a mystery/thriller in the works, but I need to finish a few previous projects first. The basics of the book are mapped out, but because this is a new genre for me, I’m doing my research. In other news, I have finally finished writing the fifth and final novel to my vampire series, which is currently undergoing extensive rewrites and edits.

What do you like to do when not writing?

I have a five-year-old grandson who I absolutely adore, and we try to spend as much time with him as possible. Having battled cancer all last year, I find time and health the most precious commodities in life, and I want to spend as much time as I can with my loved ones.


Thursday, February 29, 2024

Month of Love: Lord of Fire

Pen Dames Celebrate the Month of Love

Lord of Fire (Wytchfae Series #5)

by Flossie Benton Rogers

When The Hawk meets his Wytchfae, the result is spontaneous combustion.

Adept in witchery and of Fae lineage, Wytchfae Garnet McAnna chases the demon responsible for enslaving innocent Fae familiars. Unexpected trouble strikes in the form of a mesmerizing stranger known as The Hawk.

Exiled from an elite warrior's brigade, Lord of Fire Gabriel Hawk lives isolated from the human world and the realm of Fae. To be left alone is all he craves. Then Garnet bursts on the scene with her tough manner and tender heart, and long-forgotten feelings begin to stir. Will dark forces prevail, or will Garnet and Gabriel come together to save the innocents?

Lord of Fire is a standalone paranormal romance in the Wytchfae Series.

Amazon 5 Star Review:

Yet another fantastic entry in the author’s Wytchfae series, LORD OF FIRE is packed with action, adventure, magic, and romance. The pace is practically non-stop from the opening scene, an enthralling tale that will have you eagerly flipping Kindle pages to see what happens next. The whole tale is fun and the chemistry between the leads has just the right mix of give and take. A winner!

#witches #fairies #magic

Buy Link:  Lord of Fire

About the Wytchfae Series:

Each book in the series is a standalone paranormal romance with different main characters and storylines. The books are action-packed and set in the real world and the magical world of faeries, witches, goddesses, demons, angels, guardians, and ghosts from various mythologies. Some of the realms are welcoming, others dangerous and forbidding. Throughout it all, love prevails.

Friday, February 16, 2024

Fate Comes Softly Anthology


Fate Comes Softly

Meet Liberty Trivette, Isabelle Landers, and Audra Tadlock.

A collection of three unforgettable love stories.

*****I give this book 5 of 5 stars. Each story is unique and will appeal to a wide audience. The characters are so diverse yet realistic. I felt I knew many of them well and hated the way some acted though they were true to character. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. ~ Chrisk


 Saving Liberty

Falsely accused of a crime she didn’t commit, Liberty Trivette is exiled from a wagon train. Alone on the prairie, she fears for the life of her unborn child. For widower Ethan Wheeler, saving Liberty creates unforeseen challenges. As love unexpectedly blooms between them, Liberty and Ethan dare to envision a future together until the man responsible for having her cast out of the wagon train shows up and threatens to shatter their lives.

Isabelle and the Outlaw

History Professor Isabelle Landers accidentally walks into a time portal. Propelled back two hundred years to land smack dab in Arizona’s outlaw territory, she meets Raphael Sinclair, a Pinkerton agent posing as an outlaw. According to her history book after he was wrongly hanged, his body disappeared and was never found. Isabelle is faced with the dilemma of saving Rafe from hanging a second time. Falling in love was never part of the equation. If he leaves his world he will die. If Isabelle stays with him then she will die. Can their love survive the ultimate sacrifice?

McKenna's Woman
Nothing is more important to McKenna Smith than receiving a pardon from the State of Texas for a murder he didn’t commit. Working undercover as a photographer his luck changes for the better when he recognizes Audra Tadlock, the twin sister of the man who betrayed him. But McKenna and Audra’s delicate bond of trust is threatened when she learns the shocking truth that the brother, she thought died ten years ago is alive and a maniacal killer. If she testifies against him, he’ll hang; if she allies to save him, then she risks losing McKenna’s love.


Available in print or as an Ebook at; BarnesNoble, or your favorite online store



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