Welcome to 2022! It’s a new year and everyone is busy making resolutions, setting goals, and catching up on all the things we put off until after the holidays.
Frankly, it’s exhausting. 😫
Wouldn’t you rather
just sit around, play games, and read books?
We can hook you up!
Be the first to reply to this post with the correct answer to the question below, and we’ll give you two eBooks.
from eBooks written by the Pen Dames: Loretta Rogers, Flossie Benton Rogers,
Katherine Eddinger Smits, Linda Tillis or Jennifer Taylor. (U.S. residents only.
Alternate prize available for residents of other countries.)
The five Pen Dames live in a magical land. Can you guess where it is? Here are 10 clues to help you out:
1. Mermaids dance below the surface of crystal
2. Stars live in the sea.
3. Dollars wash up on the beach.
4. Snow is only seen in pictures.
5. Ice is only found in coolers.
6. Snowbirds fly here for the winter then
return to northern climates.
7. Snowfrogs move here and stay until they
8. We have four seasons: Summer, Tourist, Love
Bug, and Hurricane.
9. A medium
founded a town here after he was led to the location by his Native American
spirit guide.
10. The sponge capital of the world is located here.
Hurry! Be the first to reply with the correct answer and win
the prizes. Happy New Year! 💖